News / Go-Safe Gate, the outdoor fever detection system for indoor safety

Go-Safe Gate, the outdoor fever detection system for indoor safety

On Thursday, December 17, the new Go-Safe Gate, an outdoor fever detection system, was presented on the international market, the first extensible tunnel with integrated thermoscanner that allows to test the temperature outside the buildings, avoiding the entrance of people with a temperature above 37.5 °.

This project was born thanks to the ideas of two Italian entrepreneurs: Giulio Barbieri, founder of the homonymous company, manufacturer of gazebos, pergolas and extendable tunnels, and David Linguanotto, co-founder of the company Spray For Life, born in March 2020 just to cope with the Covid-19 emergency. They met thanks to a report of Le Iene, a well-known, current events show, aired last May 26, where they were presented among the Italian entrepreneurs engaged in the fight against Covid-19.


The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed some entrepreneurs to react, adapting their production to the new needs of society through the creation of products with high innovative content and effective in the fight against the virus.
This has been especially true of the creative union between Giulio Barbieri and David Linguanotto, two entrepreneurs who have pooled their experience of design and engineering innovation to create a new product tailor-made for these challenging times.
Giulio Barbieri Srl and Spray For Life have, in fact, started a collaboration in order to jointly produce Go-Safe Gate, the outdoor fever detection system that increases the internal security.

The Go-Safe Gate is the first fully retractable tunnel that comes with an integrated thermal scanner and can be installed quickly and effortlessly at the entrance to buildings in places with high public attendance, such as supermarkets, airports orrailway stations.
The main benefit offered by Go-Safe Gate is to move temperature control to the outside of buildings, preventing people with fever from entering, thus increasing indoor security.

Go-Safe Gate - Thermal scanner gate with fever detection system

The efficacy of Spray For Life’s built-in thermal scanner has been vouched for by Prof Giorgio Palù, a world-renowned virologist and professor of Microbiology and Virology at the University of Padova. The scanner is the best-performing device of its kind, and is internationally renowned for its stability, precision, and speed, which won it the gold medal for best thermal scanner at the prestigious “China Electronic Fair” in April 2020.
The Go-Safe Gate’s fire-proof, PVC cover prevents sunlight from penetrating the inside of the tunnel, where it could interfere with the scanner’s output. At the same time, a separate facial recognition system raises the alarm if anyone is found not to be wearing a mask. Thus, two separate checks are quickly and effortlessly performed on every person attending a gathering, without them even being aware of it.

In the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that has defined recent times, Giulio Barbieri and David Linguanotto are doing their bit to keep society safe, their employees in work, and the virus out of our homes and offices.

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